Design and Technology


Throughout their time at Broadfield Primary Academy, the children are encouraged to approach problems in a creative and analytical way. We aim to give the children the opportunity to deal with variations of real world scenarios to highlight the importance and relevance of what is being taught and how these can be applied outside of the classroom. Our chosen scheme, ‘Projects on a Page’, gives us the foundations of exciting and engaging projects while allowing us to choose the context to make it most appropriate for the children to maximise its impact. The programme aligns with the National Curriculum. Key knowledge and skills for D&T have been mapped across the school from EYFS to Year 6 to ensure progression between year groups. 


Children design products with a purpose in mind and an intended user. Food technology is implemented across the school in each year group with children developing an understanding of where food comes from, the importance of a varied and healthy diet and how to prepare this.

Children are given the opportunity to:


  • Use research to discover existing products and use these as inspiration for their own designs.

  • Develop and communicate their ideas through different mediums such as sketches, small scale models and computer aided design.


  • Select from and use a wide range of materials and tools for a desired effect. Being able to explain their choices and use all tools with care and precision.


  • Evaluate their own design against the design criteria

  • Consider what they would do differently if they were to complete the project again.


At BPA, the ethos of DT instils resilience, perseverance and creative thinking and problem solving within our children.  Instilling confidence to persevere when faced with a challenge. Our curriculum embeds life skills and knowledge. It enables children to understand the importance of food for health and nutrition; to be able to look after themselves and others in the future. It teaches and enables our children to work both collaboratively on a project or independently. The children’s ability to effectively apply the taught skills is measured through self and teacher assessment against the design criteria. Giving the children the opportunity to think critically and be reflective.

Mission Statement:


Curriculum Overview:




Knowledge Organisers:





